速報APP / 健康塑身 / Empire Sportfit

Empire Sportfit



檔案大小:57.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:德語, 法文, 英語, 西班牙文

Empire Sportfit(圖1)-速報App

Always on the go? With Empire Sportfit's mobile application you can browse our live schedules/availability and book appointments, classes and training sessions right from your smartphone! Instantly receive the most current information, news and offers regarding our facility in the palm of your hand. CLASS SCHEDULES Get real-time access to our reservation schedule for classes, trainers, rooms, fields and courts from wherever you are. Through the Empire Sportfit Mobile App., you can view the number of available time-slots and openings in a class, a detailed session description, the location of the class/session, and the book/cancel cut-off times. CLASS BOOKINGS Book & cancel classes, training sessions, rooms, fields and courts directly from your phone. Book packages and instantly see what you've booked. If your plans change, you can cancel bookings directly on your phone as well. NEWS AND NOTIFICATIONS Instantly get notified of facility news right on your Smartphone. You'll immediately know when there are new programs and openings in classes, ensuring that you'll never miss a special event. FACILITY INFORMATION Information such as opening times, contact details, facility location and directions, and training tips are all available, and can be e-mailed to friends! OFFERS Get push notifications for new offers so you always know about special promotions, happy hours, late-breaking availability, etc. SHARE THROUGH FACEBOOK AND E-MAIL, AND INSTANTLY ADD BOOKINGS TO YOUR CALENDAR. Share bookings with friends through Facebook as well as directions, news, and facility information and offers via e-mail. Update appointments to your Smartphone calendar with one click. For Help, FAQ and to contact us, go to www.ezfacility.com.

Empire Sportfit(圖2)-速報App

Empire Sportfit(圖3)-速報App

Empire Sportfit(圖4)-速報App

Empire Sportfit(圖5)-速報App
